Monday, March 31, 2008

One Flesh, One Spirit

Something that had been sort of bothering me, well maybe bothering me isn't the right word, something that has been ... confusing me, is that God is the love of our life. How does this fit with a wife? To make someone your wife you have to love them with all your heart, they are the other half of your soul, they complete you. How are you supposed to love God more than that?

In Genesis 2:
24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

Become one flesh... become one flesh. One person. I'd heard this before and thought oh yeah, that means that they are inseparable. I don't think that's what God intends here. You are two halves of an incomplete whole. God puts you back together to make a whole being who He wants to have a relationship with. He can have a relationship with you independently to be sure, but when you join with another, you become one in His eyes and He is now in a relationship with You (both of you). God is now the other end of this relationship. He wants You (both of you again) to be in Love with Him, just like you couldn't live without your other half, You (both) can't live without Him.

As You (both) grow closer to Him, You (both) begin to become one with Him, to become one in His spirit. You love God more than Yourself to be sure, but you still can't live without all of you, and all of you is now two people. You become one flesh with your wife, and then You (both) become one spirit with God.

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